Variation VI: Ruination

Publicado en 2 Noviembre 2017

Variation VI: Ruination

Bodies bound in service

to promises of salvation

shed their blood on unhallowed grounds

where the dim memory of peace

wails away in fruitless wrath.


Atop the hills of desolation

men made holy by their own ignorance

speak in wordless tongues

to save the unsalvageable

as the crows gnaw away

at  still hearts.


Gaping mouths

trapped in silent screams

gagged by flags and crosses

fall on top of each other

in a monument to madness

to feed the hallucinations

of dying kings and queens.


The promise was set in  stone

engraved in the bullets that carved you,

in the knifes that spun between your lungs,

in the maimed bodies of people, 

you didn´t have the chance to love.


Amidst the carnage you wonder;

Where shall the soul live

when flesh succumbs to ruination?

Is the ether that surrounds us but a godless chasm

where the essence of living things

dissipates into nothing?

The answer engulfs you;

a deaf darkness

that devours the memory

you could have been.




Escrito por Nicolás Acosta

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